I'm sitting at home (of course, we all are) in what I believe is week 5 of our self isolation and #stayathome trend to help flatten the COVID-19 curve. I find it so interesting that one day I'll re-read this post or someone will stumble upon my blog and this will be sitting here for posterity. Like so many others, this entire process has been an ocean of change. Like the tides, we ebb and flow--- one day I feel invincible and strike everything off my to do list. From work admin and content creation to practicing my guitar and studying French on the Duolingo App. Others, I am in a fog. Bleary eyed, and hunched over, the weight of the entire world literally resting on my shoulders. When the global shut downs started, more and more entrepreneurs and influencers were calling for us to "use this time to write that book!" "Make that art!" "Do the things you've always wanted to do but never had time for!" To be honest, I was angry. Here I am usually managing through my days with an underlying anxiety that I am not allotting enough time to my own creative endeavours. I'm not writing enough of my second novel, or querying more agents for my first novel. Or researching how to self-publish. Or finishing up my assignments for my Editing Degree (because why not have 15 projects on the go?). This, on top of juggling clients and doing work that actually gets me paid. Now here we are, trying to keep our heads above the water during a global pandemic---people are dying, healthcare workers are literally facing death on a daily basis, jobs are being lost, airlines are grounded, borders are closed and even attempting the grocery store to get the essentials is giving me palpitations. Then you expect me to sit down and tackle all of those creative projects that I've been mentally drained of doing in normal times, right now? So no, I call bullshit and you should too. This is a time of survival and while it may not feel like we are at the front lines of a war and we are able to stay in the comfort of our homes (while not the case for many others), with food, booze, Netflix, Wi-Fi and time outside unlike other countries, we are still dealing with the onslaught of news and media updates. Our social channels we used to use an escape have become a constant reminder of this global crisis. If you don't want to "take advantage of this time" you don't have to. Maybe you have kids at home and you and your partner are trying to adjust to working from home, and now being the sole educators in your children's lives. Maybe you struggle with depression or anxiety. Maybe you draw a lot of your own mental health on being out in the world surrounded by people. Maybe you're single and live alone without the possibility to visit friends and family. Maybe just waking up, showering and eating well is enough today. Maybe tomorrow you stay in yoga pants and drink wine at 1pm. Never has the expression, "you do you" resonated more with me right now. So while some days I tick some items off, and yes, even get some writing done, I'm over the rule or pressure that during this current climate of a global pandemic is somehow supposed to equate to MORE productivity and creativity. I'm over the rule or pressure that during this current climate of a global pandemic is somehow supposed to equate to MORE productivity and creativity. I'd like to leave you with one of my favourite quotes when dealing with highly emotional times: "Focus on the light" which is loosely taken from an Aristotle quote. And how about you, dear reader? How are you holding up throughout these days of social distancing and self-isolation?
I recently saw a Tweet that asked: "How long have you been querying for?" I wish I could remember where I saw it (damn you Twitter with your constant refreshing). But as a writer, it definitely triggered something for me.
I've had a few friends recently ask when my book was going to be published, or when they could get their hands on a copy. Thank you dear friends! That support means the world. But until I saw that Tweet, I was kind of blissfully ignorant to how many literary agents I had actually queried + how many had said yes. Spoiler alert: none of them have said yes. So to answer this Tweet, dear anonymous Tweeter, I have queried 13 agents since September. That includes one blast end of September and another push at the beginning of 2020. I did get one positive response that they wanted to see more but due to their personal circumstances, were being very choosy on their new authors. Which is totally fair! The funny thing is, when I actually checked my list and saw all the blank spaces of no responses (not every agent has the time to respond to the hundreds of submissions the get), or the few with firm No's beside them, it didn't totally rattle my core or shake all of my confidence. When I first started writing, I dreaded rejection. Like so many writers or mentors we've had, they all say the same thing: "everyone faces rejection at some point in their career." Hell, if JK Rowling can get turned down by that many publishers, and then be the goddess that created an entire world, then we've all got to do our time right? In fact, when I first got my edited manuscript back from my Editor in the summer, I quickly scanned her notes and email and needed to put it away for a week or two as I just didn't feel strong enough to see all of the red lines or feedback on these characters I loved so much. But once I was ready, wow, did I respect this Editor! She had so many valid points and suggestions and I just knew that my novel was becoming so much stronger as a result. So while I sit here playing the waiting game, I'm not that worried to be honest. The right agent needs to come along that believes in this world I've created just as much as I do. I wouldn't want someone to take it on just to get a book deal. I'm looking for that synchronicity between us that could lead to a very long and fruitful partnership for both of us. And in the mean time, I'm trying to get back into the world of novel writing as that is certainly one of the best ways to get stronger and stronger in one's craft. Are you someone waiting on something too? A book deal? Maybe you're a musician shopping around an album or an artist trying to sell some of your paintings. If that's you, I am so here for you my friend. We can play the waiting game together - I have plenty of wine and puzzles to pass the time. I'm sitting here at a local coffee shop, the sunlight streaming through the windows, full cup of hot coffee beside me and waiting for that "spark". You know the spark I'm talking about right? That one that apparently happens to the brilliant minds around us when they're in creativity mode, their next masterpiece right around the corner. I finally got out of the house after a short week (Monday was a holiday here), had work piling up around me, working into the evenings most days and little life admin tasks popping up. I threw my laptop in a bag, drove to the cafe with resolution to just write. But here I am an hour later looking at a meager 450 words on the screen. And it's not for lack of ideas. I actually have a good idea of where I want the next stage of this novel to go but I am just feeling so stuck lately. Can anyone relate? I'm trying my hardest to blame it on anything possible: oh, it's just winter, feeling long and tiring and zapping my creativity; I have too many other jobs on the go (you know, the ones that actually keep my lights on); I just need to look up this one thing (two hours later I've fallen down a rabbit hole and seem to be trying to find out whatever happened to that Red Power Ranger); oh it's time for a snack, and a healthy cookie would be great, but I don't have any on hand so I better dig out the mixing bowl and get cracking on those. I've been doing a lot of work with The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron lately and from my own googling (read: procrastinating) I know a lot of this lack of "motivation" or "creativity" comes from doing anything BUT what you should be. Are you a painter? Then just pop up that easel and get some paint on the canvas. Writer like me? You just need to plonk your bottom on the seat and start writing. It can absolutely be rubbish (and on those days where I am really fighting that dedication, it often is junk) but the habit is there. Growing a teeny tiny bit every time I fight the urge to fall down an Instagram hole or hit some interesting click bait on Facebook (ya, why won't they hire Brendan Fraser anymore?!). I'd love to hear how you find that spark you need to get started. Is it being in a certain room that "means business" or going to your favourite spot in a local cafe? And if it isn't obvious already, I need your tips because of course, this blog post has also become a way to procrastinate (shh, don't tell anyone). Some of the books I look to for inspiration when I find my personal motivation lacking
This January, like so many others around the world, I decided to do another round of Whole30. I *think* it's my fourth (although if memory serves, round three ended after about 2 weeks!) but this is my first one as a vegetarian. And let me tell you, this was a tough mother to get through! I did it with my sister and co-creator of our podcast, Life As We Try It, and we recently aired our episode on the Whole30 earlier this week. (Check it out on iTunes, Google Play and Spotify if you want our full deep dive as we paired it with a Whole30 approved mocktail!) So for those who are curious about doing your own Whole30, I thought I would share, in no particular order, a few of my tips and feedback on what you may also expect to experience during your 30 days: 1. Meal planning is key - Whole30 came out with a very helpful timeline here and while there may be a certain point in the program where you can expect serious food boredom, I find this can happen at any time if you don't take a little time to plan ahead. Around week 3 of my program (right on track according to the timeline!) I forced myself to dig out a few recipes, make a grocery list and actually write out a menu for the week. For me this was a complete life saviour as this is also a time when the desire to quit is high. I'm talking about testing all of your limits related to food and habit! 2. Use the community - Whole30 has quickly become one of the biggest communities for those trying to do elimination diets or detoxes. The first one I did was way back in 2014 before Instagram had really hit its stride and you didn't have the sense of community within the Whole30 followers. All you have to do now is search #whole30 on any social platform and you can expect a deluge of recipes, support, and thank god, memes! I even went down a complete reddit hole one night when I was particularly desperate and it helped reading about others in the same boat! 3. Weight loss is not the #1 goal - While this will vary significantly from person to person, I have found that with each Whole30 I've completed, I've lost less weight. The main goal of the 30 days is to eat real food. So cut out all the crap and allergens that our body gets overloaded with and see how we react. I first came to it as a way to figure out some food sensitivities. I now know how my body reacts to them so I can make informed decisions. Yes, I may normally be gluten free (not only do I get the fun bloat and tummy issues, but I get weird spots of rashes on elbows, knee caps and one lone finger...bizarre!), but if I decide I'm gonna eat the damn pizza or snack on some ooey gooey gluten filled treat when out with girlfriends or travelling, then I will. We're all adults here. But thanks to my first two rounds of Whole30 and reintroducing the foods afterward, I was able to get some real answers on how certain foods affect me. 4. There's no hiding from your habits - Since I have done a few of these, my main goal with this edition was to see what habits I've settled into and how they affect my overall mood and outlook. How many of us pour a glass of wine after a long day, because we're bored, or because XYZ? I found this was a habit I was slipping into, especially in the lead up to the holidays. Which in our family starts sometime around October thanks to a steady stream of birthdays, holidays and the move toward hibernation in cold dark winters! So even though I may have almost wept by my third weekend of no booze watching my boyfriend pop a beer or pour himself a G&T, I knew I would feel better at the end after giving my liver and body a full 30 days off. Surprisingly this time, I did not miss the sweet stuff as much. My first one? I was having vivd dreams of salted caramel shortbread (and you can bet your ass that was my first treat on day 31). This time? I don't even know what "treat" I would want. I got groceries yesterday - which would include any food I wanted since Whole30 ends today - but I walked up and down the aisles not "craving" anything. But that glass of wine tomorrow? I'm going to savour every slow sip! 5. Maybe not for the veggies - As this was my first Whole30 as a vegetarian, I'm not sure I would advise it to other veggies. OR, better yet, perhaps get guidance from a proper nutritionist who can help meal plan and ensure you are getting enough nutrients. I bent the rules with one minor caveat. Along with no wheat, gluten, grains, soy, dairy, sugar and alcohol, a traditional Whole30 will not allow legumes or beans either. I added these in for more protein sources. Again, we're all adults so you do you boo. If you want to eat eggs 3 meals a day for protein, go for it. But for me, I wanted to focus on whole foods for this month so allowed beans and chickpeas. Others may opt to add in soy or other vegan friendly protein sources but this is what worked for me. Having said that, I'm not sure I noticed the surge in energy most report during the 30 days (and that I have experienced in the past) because I perhaps wasn't taking in enough protein or complex proteins that I'd normally get from quinoa or other balanced meals. (My family also has a history of low iron that causes energy slumps so this could be a result of me being a veggie and possibly needing iron supplements again so always check in with your doc or nutritionist). 6. Do expect clearer skin and clothes fitting better - Without overloading your body with sugar, dairy and gluten, you can expect less bloating overall for the month and the lack of sugar and booze will certainly do wonders for your skin! I'm not one to struggle with much acne but I did notice again a bit of a glow to my skin, which is always welcome, but especially in January when the summer tan has long since faded. 7. Hang in there - As I mentioned, this round seemed to affect my mood much more than in the past. I'm not sure if it's because I work from home now, it's effing cold in Canada in January or this particular season in my life just made things trickier. BUT, I am very glad I can stand here on my last day and say I did it! There will be moments (perhaps lots and lots of moments) when you'll just feel like giving in, quitting or saying F this. I have been there. A LOT this round. But like I said, rely on your community, get inspired with new meal ideas and focus on the positive. Maybe you don't get that glass of wine with friends, but you get to smugly wake up with zero hangover! Sure you missed that birthday cake at your friends party, but you know what? You can have cake on day 31. If you really really want to, you can have whatever you want on day 31. It's not forever (thank f**k) and that's what really pulled me through. YOU GOT THIS. ✨ Have you ever done a Whole30? I'd love to hear your experiences! And if you're thinking about it and have any questions, please ask away! Now I'm off to put my champagne in the fridge so it's ice cold for my mimosa tomorrow 😅 Celebrating the end of another successful round of Whole30!
I could make this article very short and simply say this about starting your own podcast: just do it! Oh wait, that's the Nike tagline isn't it? But it still has legs here I promise! But let me explain a bit about my own background with podcasting.
In the winter of 2018, one of my superyacht clients, OceanScape Yachts and I discussed the value in starting a travel podcast - part educational, part travel inspo, simply a new way to connect with people and take a little virtual vacay. So I went onto Best Buy, bought a Blue Yeti microphone, plugged in my knock off Apple ear phones (yes before ear buds) and away we went! Just like that---no fancy sound engineer, no fact checker, no studio time. In fact, all interviews are conducted over the phone. The podcast is still running today and has grown in leaps and bounds thanks to building a wider network of interesting industry contacts to welcome to the show. Fast forward to the fall of 2019 and my sister and I launched our own podcast! I was able to take some knowledge from my first podcast, but this had to evolve a bit since we would be recording together in a room---this means the sound would be affected (as well as scheduling we learnt!). This has been a lot of fun since the premise of Life As We Try It is all about trying new things! Every week we pick a new fad or trend that we are going to trial for the week. We then meet up to discuss the background of the trends, and our thoughts about it over a bevvie that matches the theme! For both of these podcasts, I needed slightly different software or apps to help things run smoothly. Here's a list of my top tips to help you launch your own podcast too (and stop putting it off!): 1. Invest in a good mic: I know this is a few years ago, but my Blue Yeti mic was under $100 and has a number of settings depending on how many are recording at one time. Don't go cheap when you'll just have to buy another one in a year. Better for the environment, and your wallet. 2. Choose a platform: For the Life As We Try It podcast, we decided to go with Libsyn. We got the medium road package and it's around $25 CAD per month for hosting with ample space for our weekly episode uploads. This makes it super easy to get into all of the platforms as well. It auto uploads every week to iTunes, Google Play, Spotify and just about anywhere else you get podcasts. For OceanScape, I signed up for Blubrry PowerPress (free version...woohoo!) for Wordpress. 3. Get the right equipment: If you're recording over the phone with different guests, (like I do with OceanScape) you're going to want to get the right software for recording and downloading. I used Ecamm for Skype which is excellent, only had a one time fee, and is super easy to use. You just click record when you're on your call and the file gets exported to your computer. You can cut and edit within the app if you want to as well. For recording at home, make sure you're in a smaller room, with a closed door and do all you can to limit echo. This might be a foam box around your mic, rug on the floor, or even use your car as a good sound bubble (trust me, we've done this too!). Once it's time to edit, I use Wondershare Filmora for both which is also super easy to lay your audio tracks with your intro music, cut to any ads, etc, and also came in with a one time only fee. 4. Invest in Analytics: Libysn has its own analytics and stats built in, while Blubrry PowerPress integrates beautifully with Wordpress. Both give you a good idea of how each episode is faring, where people are downloading your podcast from (both globally and which platform) and can really help provide insight into what has resonated with your listeners. 5. Have fun! It can be nerve wracking the first time you hit record and play back your voice later. Does anyone like how they sound on a recording?? Unless you're Beyonce, chances are you think you sound awful. I can assure you that you don't! We're our harshest critics, so my best advice here (and in life in general really) is to just take the leap, hit record and make some magic happen! I wrote about the value in creating a routine while working from home last year, but it's important you are always re-evaluating to see what works for you right now. So as the nights begin to draw in over here in Canada, the shortened days can make it a little tricky to settle into a routine. And being a full-time freelancer for over two and a half years now, my "regular" routine has gone through a few changes. For all of you other creatives living that #freelancelife I wanted to share some of the activities and goals I try to work into my days that offer up the most productivity, while also keeping me sane! I'd love to hear some of yours too! 1. Morning walk with the hound first thing in the morning. Some days I'll load up an audiobook I've borrowed through the Ottawa Public Library, or (as is often the case) have a Spotify playlist loaded with the best Christmas tunes. Other days, I love to go out without any ear plugs, and listening to the sound of my neighbourhood. Luckily it's quite quiet so I can enjoy and embrace whatever the weather, knowing Kingsley and I are getting a nice dose of exercise and Vitamin D first thing in the morning. Plus, it makes it easier to concentrate without his incessant "when are we going for a walk??" whine from beside my desk. 2. Unroll my mat and get some yoga in. This one has gone through a few changes over the months. I used to have to do it first thing to feel like my day was starting off on the right foot. If I have a pass to a local studio, I'll work it into my day in whatever way suited. If I'm joining the always lovely Tina at Yoga Attic, I'll make her 9 am class to really connect with nature, like minded people and start my day off right! Or, when I had a pass to local Yogatown, I'd actually try and make the 12 o'clock flow class as a way to break up my day and give me a mini reset before the afternoon. What I'm digging right now? Post-walk yoga (Boho Beautiful is my go to link for all the vibes!) in the comfort of my home, surrounded by mellow tunes and my twinkling Christmas lights I can enjoy and embrace whatever the weather, knowing Kingsley and I are getting a nice dose of exercise and Vitamin D first thing in the morning." Enjoying an oat milk latte at one of my favourite local coffee shops 3. Indulge in excellent warm drinks. You know by now I'm a little addicted to coffee - decaf, half-caff, full dark and bold - like it all! I invested in a pretty nice espresso machine a couple of years ago and it has been an absolute life saver for me. After that morning yoga, I'll go make a second cup of coffee (first cup of the day is always big and black...nothing fancy!). But this second cup, I'll froth up some nice dairy free milk (new addiction is oat milk - it foams up way better than any other dairy free milk I've had) and make a fancy little latte. This is what I'll take to my office and get the ball rolling for the day. Post lunch? It's time for a hot cup of green tea with fresh lemon.
4. Lists, lists and more lists. On the podcast I host with my sister, Life As We Try It, we recently took some personality quizzes, and it was no surprise we both thrive on writing lists and ticking them off. When you're juggling various clients, while also working for yourself, it can be hard to keep track of everything. Lists help me stay on top of it all, while also giving me that little jolt of serotonin when I smugly tick off another item, no matter how small. 5. Get out and spend time with humans. While it is excellent to be able to work from the comfort of my home, sometimes you just need to be around other humans and the hum of the real world. I find I get invigorated in a different way when I'm sitting in a local coffee shop trying to get some work done. It's excellent for letting my creative side out a little bit. When I'm out, I get to bounce energy off of other people, gain inspiration from new surroundings and not get called into non-work related things (anything from "the dishes need to be done", to "there's nothing to snack on, let's bake some fresh cookies!" are all excellent distractors sometimes. 6. When working late, wine is always a good idea. When I was in the final push to finish my first novel, A Week at the Woods', I found a glass of red wine was very helpful in those final late night pushes! Never very much as this can often lead to a drastic decline in productivity, but whether I'm editing copy, writing, or working through a social media marketing plan, sometimes you just need a glass of wine at the end of a long day, and while living that #freelancelife we all know there is no 9-5! I hope you have found these ideas helpful and would love to hear how you create a routine while working from home too! Or clubs of any type really. The important thing is that we have clubs and communities where we can belong. And I'm talking old fashioned, face to face meet ups where you can see, feel, and emote with other humans. Social media has created this entirely other universe where we can connect, grow and yes, even create a community. And while this is great, hell, as a freelancer who works from home, if I didn't have my online community, some days I would feel incredibly lonely (cuddles with Kingsley aside). But I read this incredibly interesting article from Buzzfeed News this week: How Millennials Became the Burnout Generation. While it's a bit of a longer read than we millennials are used to these days (it's not a perfectly packaged video that fits into the 60 second time limit of Instagram? Or three paragraphs under a cute photo in your feed? Let's be honest, sometimes even those feel too long to sit through), it had sound bite after sound bite that I couldn't stop reading. It was all so real and true. And what's even more, I was just trying to vocalize similar feelings to friends and family recently. I have a great recurring gig that pays my bills, feeds me, and allows me to put money away every month, with the freedom to take on clients here and there with interesting jobs or brands I want to align with too. I have time to do my own writing, like my novel, A Week at the Woods' or manage and work on this blog. I'm able to do all this from the comfort of my home. I don't battle traffic, or have to sit on a crowded train to get to work. If I wanted to, I could work in my underwear, leave my hair unwashed for days (seriously, how many days in a row is it socially acceptable to use dry shampoo? Asking for a friend!), and never leave my home. But that's just not how I work for a number of reasons. But one is that I'm quite a social person - years of office life filled with travel and event networking mean it's just part of who I am. And two, the pressures of the online world, or the millennials who do it all, can get to you a lot more if you choose to go it alone. I've actually found that the more my online and home office life grows, the more lonely it can become. When I open Instagram, I'm rarely scrolling through friends feeds to like their cute photos, I'm trawling for content, or sharing likes and spreading brand awareness. I have six different Instagram accounts I run and manage. SIX. When I open IG, more often than not, it's a cause of anxiety. Facebook is just the same - I manage seven pages on FB. Do you know how many notifications I get in a day? For someone with borderline OCD, seeing constant notifications on my lock screen makes me want to run for the hills some days. But it also forms the bulk of my business and is something that I love doing and is what keeps me going. It's just a side effect of the world we live in. It helps to remember that there is an entire world outside of online that was always there. Like when we were kids (yes Millenials...before we had cell phones, or at best, the Nokia 6310 with changeable face plate), and we could just pop over to a friend's house for a visit. We'd knock on their door and hang out, or as we got older and needed an escape from university or work stress, head over for a glass of wine or coffee for casual conversation, and more importantly, connection. This doesn't happen anymore. If you haven't texted me to tell me you're coming over, and I hear the doorbell ring, I ain't answering the door. And I know I'm not alone here! I had some girlfriends over last weekend for book club. It was my birthday weekend and I was so happy to have these amazing friends of mine over to help celebrate, while it may not always be about books, it's what initially brought us together and let these friendships grow. And the way this club came about? When I first moved back to Ottawa, aside from a handful of very close friends I kept in touch with since moving away almost 10 years ago, I had to start meeting people all over again. Do you know how hard that is when you work from home?! So I joined Bumble BFF (hey, it helped me meet my boyfriend, why not some girlfriends?), met a bunch of fantastic ladies, and after a Bumble BFF double date with a few (totally adorable right?) we started a book club. And this, this regular connection with peers is what I was so missing.
When I first moved to London, I had a look online at meetup.com (before there was an app for that!) and found The Girly Book Club hosted by the lovely Erin Woodward (and BFF of a hometown friend of my sister's back in Canada!) Being able to connect in these ways makes us all feel a bit more human and bit more connected to the real world around us. So those days when we feel like we haven't been "offline" work at all, or the stress and anxiety of living and working in today's landscape of constant notification, it helps to have a safety net to catch us. As we head into winter here in Canada, I'm wanting to get cozy and hibernate but I'm also wanting to try new things that keep me cultivating those real connections. Every year I try to select a few things that I know will push me out of my comfort zone but that also help to connect to new people, new things, new hobbies. And with that comes so much more than growth. How about you? How do you stay sane in an online world? Do you have any clubs or hobbies you would recommend trying? I'd love to hear from you! Welcome to the first edition of Behind the Scenes (BTS) Friday! That's a thing right? As any writer knows, sometimes the process can be a long, lonely and arduous one. But it is also filled with deep love for our characters and enchantment as we build and create a completely new world populated with our own imagination of characters. After completing my final round of edits on A Week at the Woods' last month, I made the decision to send out inquiry letters to a few different reputable literary agencies - eek! Very exciting and nerve wracking but I decided to take a leap and see where I landed. The only thing is, now we wait! It can take up to three months to hear anything back so I have actually begun to work on my next novel in the mean time. Yes, the first one isn't published yet and only my editor and I have actually read it through from start to finish, but what better time to start creating another new world to get lost in? Before I go into too much detail on this new project - it is after all, a very new relationship and I don't want to rush anything just yet - I wanted to share a tiny excerpt from the book jacket of A Week at the Woods' since I have had so many supportive friends reach out and ask me what it's all about: Following an explosive revelation from her family on her wedding day, Rachel leaves for London with her new husband and hasn’t seen her family in three years. Now divorced, she returns home to a family reunion at the lake but while there, the past and present situations of everyone in the family come to light. Is a week in the woods long enough to bring this family back together? If you love a big family dramedy filled with multiple points of views and a deep love for one another, than this is the book for you!
I'd also love to hear from the writers out there - how do you celebrate finishing a novel? Do you immediately start reaching out to publishers? Take the self publishing road? Do you start right into your next project? Or sit with the finality of your cherished characters and how their stories ended? In October, we celebrate Thanksgiving here in Canada. And while we tend to be very warm, welcoming and accommodating here in the North, I think we all go just a little bit further during these cooler months. We pause, give thanks to friends and family but also to those in our community in need. Perhaps it has something to do with the cruelness of winters here that we feel the need to let the warmth come from within us.
Either way, autumn has to be one of my absolute favourite seasons. In fact, I was recently listening to the Ologies podcast with Alie Ward and she said she had a theory that everyone's favourite season is the one their birthday is in and perhaps that explains my family's obsession with Fall and Christmas. Majority of us were born October - December (sorry pops - no spring babies counted here). There are also so many fantastic quotes about this time of year that lend themselves to the magic of the season. I've included a few of my favourites here:
How about you? I'd love to hear which season is your favourite and why! You may have noticed I've been a tad on the busy side (and MIA from here!) lately. Summer always flies by too quickly in Canada but between moving house, settling in, trying to fit in some camping and many weekends away, we closed the summer with 10 days in California and it was phenomenal! Especially for all of the creative vibes that state is oozing with - tried to soak it all in!
But along with my regular gigs, I worked with my editor on my novel - she's just about ready to go to an agent! And, even more exciting...my sister and I launched a podcast! Our podcast is called "Life As We Try It" and focuses on trying out the different fads, crazes and trends we are inundated with in today's world and be the guinea pigs for you! Then we discuss what we thought about them over our favourite bevvies (yes, predominantly wine but we also love sampling amazing coffee, kombucha, tea and so much more!). We would love if you gave it a listen! For more info, check out our website and Instagram. |
AuthorFrom Me Archives
April 2020